Thursday, March 12, 2015

Road to the Final Project!

Hello Everyone!

We all cannot believe how fast this winter quarter 2015 has gone. It is currently the last week for our class before we start finals week. Everyone on the team is hard at work finalizing the final project documentation and making sure that the whole application works to our expectations.

MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH! Marlon was able to implement the message within the pin. Just like we explained in this wireframe:
So when the user types a message within at some point and time within the map, a pin will drop once the user creates the message and it will appear on top of the pin. Marlon was able to program that within our application. 

Here are the actual frames from our working application. 
This is our initial home screen where users will be able to type their message and use a 'TagName" or hashtag. They also must manually enter the Latitude and longitude of their exact location. 

So this is what we have so far implemented. We have about a week left before everything will be set in stone for us in time to present our final project. Due to time constraints on this quarter so far, we may or may not implement the camera view with the pins shown in the camera view in real time, but we were able to get the Geotagging within our application. 

Once everything is set in the coming week, we will put this project to be complete, and we will leave it to future classes who will take this project and develop it even further. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Creating Our Project Demo

So we are in the process of creating our Project Demo that is due this week. Our teammates Marlon Garcia and Kurt Myles have developed more of the backend side of the project.

Some of the highlights we have on the project so far:

  • They were able to make the application send data to the database table instead of manually entering that information in those certain fields within the database. 
  • We have a working prototype in which the user can create an account through "MemoMap" and it will automatically save within the database 
  • We also were considering on if we could implement the augmented reality side of the project because we wanted to have a camera view on the app that shows where the user has been and typed the message, but we are not sure if we could develop that in code. 
Here are some of the pictures that Marlon took as he developed the database side of the project. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New Wireframes Added to Our Project!

here are some of the new wireframes that we have created to show the system design of our app.

This would be the login screen once the user launches the application of the first time

This would be the list of places the user has been to previously and see what notes they have created in each location. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

System Architecture

Last week, developer, Marlon Garcia, has made many breakthroughs within our project. He went in and created a database server on SiteGround and it runs as a My SQL server in the network. The server is running and giving a JSON scripting field which holds all of the data entry for MemoMap.

Through the JSON scripting fields we were able to establish Name, Address, Latitude and Longitude so that users can input some of these data entries within the application. So it would look like this on the back-end side:


So currently the things we have working on our project right now are:

  • Database set up in MySQL 
  • Database creating a JSON for the file server 
  • iOS application of MemoMap can get the JSON and parse it into a readable program 
  • MemoMap is able to list the entries in the JSON as a User Readable interface 
  • iPhone app is able to get each location of these entries into the internal framework of the iPhone map 
Database map between client and server

Here are some working screenshots of our application:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

New breakthroughs in developing our project!

So in the past couple weeks after we presented our initial homework assignment we wanted to dive deeper into what we wanted to develop for our final project. The week after we presented our first assignment and trying to understand what we thought the project was about, we started to brainstorm into making something more specific. At first we were trying to develop some type of keyboard app that implements a game like those "keyboard tutoring games" for children. We asked Prof. Muscarello and Robert for more clarifications, and we were very off. We thought we were going to implement some game using the keyboard that was handed to us the second week of class, but instead we have to use this keyboard and implement some "geo-tagging" feature. Most of the team was very relieved that we got a deeper understanding on what we had to do.

So once we understood what we had to do completely, we started brainstorming into what our final project would be, and that is going to be called "MemoMap"

MemoMap is a simple app that implements both the keyboard that was provided for us and the geotagging feature. Essentially how the app will work is that users will be able to go anywhere in the map and leave messages so that they can take note of where they have been. They can type up the note, then hit enter, and the note will be saved at the exact location of where it was typed up. Users can also look back and see the messages they posted on the map by searching for them by tagging their notes.

Upon using MemoMap, users are going to create an account on our software. Every time a user creates an account, the settings will be saved within a database.

The user interface will be designed into something more familiar with users who currently own smartphones with maps in them. It was also feature a camera view, where users can use their built-in camera phone and use the view to see where they write messages if they are near the original location of where they write that note.

Here are some wireframes:


As we develop this further, we will implement this within Android phones, and see if the whole application will work correctly. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

HW 1: Our approach to the project

So in class, we as a group presented to the class on how we thought we are tackling our final project. So here is a brief summary:

In the previous Capstone class, students worked to develop a virtual keyboard with the use of a gesture based text entry method.

Our goal for this project will be merging this virtual keyboard with a geotagging system to be used by researchers for further testing. We will work to produce an environment for analyzing this data and study how well testers can go about the user interface.

The software we will use for this project will be:

  • PostgreSQL (database) 
  • Shark2 Keyboard 
  • Java Applet (which contains the working keyboard and GUI) 
  • Cloud Service 
  • HTML (page that holds the Java Applet and will be used for the testing environment) 
We will also create a data dictionary which is essentially our main database for this project. 
  • It will contain 2 tables, one for each of the test type (sentence matching and question answering) 
  • User ID and test type which will be the primary key for each table. The user ID will act as a link between tables. 
For our use cases, we will simply implement a user login account within our software. Users must create and log into an account and they will be able to use the Virtual Keyboard application. 

We would like to care more about the functionality of our keyboard and see how potential users would interact with it. One of our user case scenarios would be the user would try to type out a word using the gesture and the keyboard would guess what the word is and it will be stored into the database. It could also implement a question and answer where the software will ask the user a question and the user has to use the swipe gesture to answer. 

This is what the wireframe from the previous capstone class developed: 


We hope to implement this keyboard into an HTML document and make it look better.